We congratulate Cumberland City Council on receiving $53.7 million through WestInvest for the development a regional state-of-the-art sporting facility – the Hyland Road Sporting Complex.

The funding will transform unused land into a much-needed sport and active recreation precinct. Once developed, the Hyland Road Sporting Complex will including a diverse range of integrated indoor and outdoor spaces, providing benefits for the growing Cumberland community and beyond.

Otium were pleased to be involved in developing the business case that helped secure this valuable funding. We also assisted Council in the business case development for the modernisation of Guildford Swimming Centre, securing $14.6 million to revitalise, modernise and optimise the existing 50-year-old centre.

For further details about the project, visit: https://www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au/news/cumberland-council-granted-537m-build-new-hyland-road-sporting-complex

If you have an upcoming project requiring funding, get in touch with our team today on (03) 9046 2316 or email us at info@otiumplanning.com.au