Our WA team of Dave Lanfear and Wayne Stuart recently won the contract to partner with Parks and Leisure Australia (WA) to develop and deliver its Leisure and Recreation Planners Course. The course curriculum and syllabus will support competency measurement and include recommendations for a strategy for delivery, including potential partnerships and business scenarios.

In particular, the course will:

  • Ensure base-level competencies for all current and future Leisure and Recreation Planners in metro and regional WA.
  • Address the training gap to facilitate and enhance employability skills and knowledge to meet organisational needs effectively.
  • Provide a high-quality course to increase the skills and knowledge of the participants, including those wishing to progress their careers.
  • Develop the capacity of the participants to plan, design, coordinate, organise and manage projects, including strategic facility planning and infrastructure projects.
  • Provide access to an industry resource library, networking and mentoring opportunities.

It is anticipated that this course will be available in mid-2022, subject to peer review and endorsement by the Board of PLA (WA).