Otium Planning Group encourages our industry colleagues to Be Prepared to take advantage of potential future economic stimulus funding opportunities.

Our team is experienced in the preparation of successful proposals and advocacy strategies to attract stimulus funding opportunities for major sport and leisure projects following a crisis. We have responded to major bushfires, floods, storms, earthquakes and the Global Financial Crisis in Australia and New Zealand.

Our key learnings from these experiences include:

  • Understanding the impact of the crisis on your community.
  • Having a master plan and/or business case supporting your project.
  • Developing a proposal that highlights why it is a priority to your community and how it responds to Government funding guidelines.
  • Demonstrating “shovel readiness” which includes a concept design, cost plan, financial operating model and confirmation of other supporting funding sources.
  • Developing and deliveringan advocacy strategy that has all key stakeholders involved.

Otium can prepare a tailored Advocacy Package for your project to Be Prepared.

3 Step Otium Advocacy Plan

  • Step 1: Develop a master plan and/or business case to support your project.
  • Step 2: Develop a proposal.
  • Step 3: Develop an advocacy strategy that involves all stakeholders.

We can work with you to deliver your project needs through our partnerships across various disciplines including architects, landscape architects, quantity surveyors, economists, engineers and graphic designers.

For more information, contact us by phone on (03) 9698 7300 or by email to info@otiumplanning.com.au to ask about how Otium can tailor an Advocacy Package for your project.